
Das 20. Jahrhundert und seine Repräsentationen

Representing the 20th Century

Justyna Majewska

Justyna Majewska was one of the curators of the Holocaust Gallery at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN. She graduated from cultural studies and is now a PhD Candidate at the Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Poland, a fellow of the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (2014). She is a member of the editorial team publishing the collections of the Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto - Ringelblum Archive. In 2016, the team was awarded with the prestigious Juliusz Zulawski Editorial Award by the Polish Pen Club. In collaboration with A. Bańskowska and T. Epsztein, J. Majewska edited Archiwum Ringelbluma, volume 15: Wrzesień 1939. Listy kaliskie. Listy płockie, (2014), published at „Zagłada Żydów. Studia i materiały”.



"I specially value excursions and ability to comment and argue about specific exhibitions that we've all seen."