
Das 20. Jahrhundert und seine Repräsentationen

Representing the 20th Century

Verena Meier

Verena Meier studied History, English Philology, European Art History, and Philosophy at the Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She has previously worked at the Documentation and Cultural Centre of German Sinti and Roma and assisted with creating a new traveling exhibition. She also worked with the Working Group on Minority History and Civil Rights in Europe, at the memorial site Grafeneck, and the Documentation Center of North African Jewry during WWII at the Ben Zvi Institute in Jerusalem. Since August 2018 she is a PhD candidate at the Research Center on Antigypsyism (Forschungsstelle Antiziganismus) at the University of Heidelberg. The topic of her dissertation project is the persecution of Sinti and Roma under the Nazi-regime in Magdeburg. Her research interests include minority history, the history of ideas, and research on historical stereotypes.



"I really enjoyed being part of an international group of young professionals, who work in the museum field or deal with museology and public history in their academic research. We got the chance to meet numerous world-known exhibition makers and visited and analyzed award-winning museums and exhibitions. The combination of thereotical aspects and practical engagement with various forms of exhibiting contemporary history helped us to dive deep into discussions and reflections and gave us inspirations for further exhibition projects."